New version of Cyclops
Posted by Matt | Filed under Updates
A new version of Cyclops has been released on the App Store
The interface has been improved so things look a lot better. There are email/open in Safari toolbar buttons on the detail page now which are more conveniently placed. Everything is a lot tighter now.
Apple changed their policy on how developers can load images from the camera preview (for security reasons) so this update makes Cyclops fully compliant with that. In order to use the video scanning, you will have to update to iOS 4.2.
I added a keypad as well, for older iPhones, devices without cameras, and devices running iOS < 4.2.
And there’s a new icon.
Tags: Amazon, booxter, Cyclops, EAN, iphone, scanner, UPC, update
Posted by Matt | Filed under Uncategorized
Hello everyone! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
I am happy to announce a new app on the App Store: FastTalker !
FastTalker is an app designed to easily capture quick audio recordings of 5, 10, 15, or 20 seconds at a time.
You can set it to record automatically when you start it up, just click and talk, no need to click a ‘stop’ button or anything like that. You can email the saved talks to yourself as well to listen to them later. It’s a universal app, runs on iPhone and iPad.
If you are in a car, walking out the door, just woke up from sleep, or in any other situation where you want to record a quick audio note without a lot of hassle, then you’ll find FastTalker very useful.
Hope you like it!
Tags: app store, audio, FastTalker, ipad, iphone, productivity
Booxter for iPhone/iPod Touch now available
Posted by Matt | Filed under Uncategorized
Booxter for iPhone/iPod Touch is now available (it might take a short while for it to show up in the App Store).
You can download the new version 2.5 of Booxter which supports it. You can now export from your desktop version of Booxter to your iPhone or iPod Touch. It will also run on the iPad like all iPhone apps do, a universal iPhone/iPad update will be made in the future.
In the Preferences, there’s a new Sharing panel, use that to enable sharing and choose the libraries you wish to share. On the iPhone, open up Booxter and tap the Sharing button to see the shared libraries and select the ones you want exported to your iPhone.
Thanks for your patience, this is the first version, there are more features to add of course. I hope you enjoy it.
Tags: booxter, ipad, iphone, sharing
Amazon searches working again with Booxter 2.2.
Posted by Matt | Filed under Uncategorized
Hi, just a quick post to say that the new update 2.2 for Booxter has been released, and Amazon searches for books, music and movies are now working again.
Thanks for your patience.
Amazon searches are down
Posted by Matt | Filed under Uncategorized
Amazon searching is currently down for Booxter. I am working on a fix for the next update, it should be ready very soon. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.
Posted by Matt | Filed under Uncategorized
I am pleased to announce a new iPhone application on the App Store: Cyclops!
It’s a free barcode scanner for your iPhone 3Gs. Cyclops will scan barcodes and look them up for you online, showing you item information, pricing, etc. It’s quick, easy, and free.
Please check it out, I hope you find it useful.
Tags: Amazon, barcode, Cyclops, EAN, iphone, scanner, UPC
Phospho makes a difference!
Posted by Matt | Filed under Uncategorized
So the first month’s results from Phospho have come in, and I’m happy to report that we’ve raised $600.00 for charity (I rounded up).
The first month’s recipient is the Himalayan Cataract Project, a charity that works to help prevent and cure blindness among the people who live in the Himalaya. They’re based in Kathmandu, Nepal.
I’ve sent off the donation to the good people there. Thank you so much for your support, and tell your friends about Phospho!
Tags: blindness, charity, phospho
Posted by Matt | Filed under Uncategorized
I’m happy to announce a new application for the iPhone/iPod Touch – Uranus!
It’s an astronomy program for your handheld device loaded with over 100,000 objects – stars, deep sky objects, planets, the Sun and Moon, you name it. I uses the built-in GPS of your iPhone or iPod Touch to display the sky where you happen to be. You can move around, zoom in and out and get info on everything in the sky using simple gestures, and you can use the accelerometer to ‘fly’ around the sky. It’s available on the App Store right now.
This is the first release, I will be adding more features in future updates. I’ve already uploaded an update to the App Store that vastly improves performance and lets you choose your location manually. Apple seems to be sitting on updates for a long time, I’m not sure why. So bear with me during this first month of the App Store while Apple works out all of the issues.
iPhone SDK = Cannonball Run
Posted by Matt | Filed under Uncategorized
Right so Apple finally released their long-awaited iPhone SDK last week. Some thoughts:
1. The typing sound you are hearing is the sound of 10,000 new Sudoku apps being furiously built for the iPhone. Can’t wait.
2. To get your software on the iPhone, you need to register with Apple to get a license… and there’s a list of things that iPhone apps can’t do, and how they are supposed to look… and they demoed the ability to remotely wipe off applications from across the network… these things are related, I think.
3. I don’t know of anyone who has received their iPhone developer license yet. So hold off on #1 for now.
4. The iPhone apps are all to be distributed through Apple’s ‘AppStore’. Note that it’s not the ‘iPhoneAppStore’, or the ‘TouchAppStore’, just ‘AppStore’. So in Mac OS X 10.6 Ocelot plan to see desktop apps distributed this way.
I could go on about particulars of the SDK, but I’m not sure what is under NDA specifically, so I’ll stop there.
In all, a great announcement. It feels a lot like the movie The Cannonball Run where all the new iPhone developers have now begun the cross-country race to the opening of the ‘AppStore’ in June. Now I just need a priest’s outfit and a red Ferrari and I’ll be all set…
Tags: iphone sdk nda
Spanish, Italian and Japanese
Posted by Matt | Filed under Uncategorized
Booxter is now localized in Spanish, Italian, and Japanese.
Tags: language localization spanish italian japanese booxter