Booxter 2.7.1, Lion compatible, plus updates
Posted by Matt | Filed under Updates
Hello everyone, Booxter 2.7.1 has now been released. Booxter now supports Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. There are also updates to improve wireless sharing with your iOS devices, some interface updates, and some search site updates. I’ve also added the missing Help file that explains how barcode scanning from your iPhone into Booxter works.
Tags: booxter, mac app store, update
Booxter 2.7 – Added barcode scanning from iOS to Mac
Posted by Matt | Filed under Updates
Booxter 2.7 has been released! Now you can scan barcodes from your iOS device into Booxter wirelessly!
It’s easy to use:
1. Launch Booxter on your Mac and open either the multiple add panel (Command-Shift-M) or the code panel (Command-Option-C). Now you are ready to receive scans.
2. Launch Booxter on your iOS device. Tap the camera icon at the top of the screen. Hold up the barcode to the camera (in portrait mode), let it focus, and the scan will be sent wirelessly to Booxter on your Mac.
The multiple add panel has an ‘add later’ feature, and the code panel has a full screen view, so feel free to use whichever one works best for you. Check “Speak titles of scanned items” in the Preferences, and the code panel will speak the title names once they are scanned in. This comes in handy when you are scanning a lot of items and your back is to the computer screen.
If Booxter on the Mac is not running or you are not near your Mac, you can still scan barcodes with the iOS app. The scans will be stored on your device, and will be uploaded when you bring up the add scan panels as above. So feel free to scan at the bookstore or library and load the barcodes into Booxter when you get home.
Video scanning requires iOS 4.2 and an iPhone 3GS or later or iPod Touch with camera. If you don’t have a camera on your iOS device, you can still use the included keypad to manually enter codes.
There are 2 known issues: on iOS 3.1.3, Booxter won’t launch, and on iOS > 4.2 the camera won’t show up. I’ve fixed these bugs and uploaded a new version to Apple and asked them to expedite the approval, so hopefully that minor update will be approved very soon.
In addition, Amazon Italy has been added as a search site, a lot of searching, backfilling and importing bugs have been fixed, and there’s a new option in the Preferences to change the color scheme of the detail panel from dark to light.
Thanks for your patience, I hope you find this new feature useful.
Tags: app store, barcode, booxter, mac app store, scanner, update
Booxter on the Mac App Store!
Posted by Matt | Filed under Uncategorized, Updates
Booxter is on the Mac App Store!
It’s been there since opening day and so there are now lots of new Booxter users, welcome!
There’s actually 2 apps, Booxter Lite which is the same as the normal unlicensed Booxter download from the main web site and Booxter which is the same as the licensed version. All Mac App Store apps will run only on Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later. The website version runs on Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6.
Sales have been fantastic, I’m very lucky that the Mac App Store has brought Booxter to a much larger audience. Booxter has been in the top 5 grossing of the Lifestyle category for days now!
More work to do, more updates, have a Happy New Year everyone!
Tags: booxter, mac app store